Bilateral consultations on the execution of the European Court’s judgments

On 19 October 2016, Mr. Gevorg Kostanyan, the Representative of the Government of Armenia before the European Court of Human Rights had a meeting with Mr.  Philippe Boillat, Director General of Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe.

During the meeting the parties discussed the issues pertaining to the execution of the European Court’s judgments delivered in respect of Armenia. Mr. Boillat valued the active and fruitful cooperation established with the Government Representation before the European Court which is attested also by the results achieved in the course of 2015 and 2016. More specifically, during these years 33 cases have been closed by final resolutions of the Committee of Ministers.

Two main issues have been discussed by the parties during the meeting.

The first one related to the liability – including pecuniary liability – of public officials and specifically that of judges when the European Court had established violations of human rights as a result of actions of that (those) public official(s) and a corresponding payment was made from the State budget.

The second one focused on the key aspects of the execution of the European Court’s judgments Sargsyan v. Azerbaijan and Chiragov and Others v. Armenia which touch upon the questions of providing compensation to, or put it otherwise, restoring the violated rights of the refugees.

The Armenian Government Representative highlighted the specific nature of these judgments in the context of regulation of NKR conflict, as well as the complexity of the legal and political questions under consideration.

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