Makuchyan and Minasyan v. Azerbaijan and Hungary

30 May, 2024
17247/13 Court (Fourth Section Committee) Judgment

Violation of Article 2 – Right to life (Article 2 – Positive obligations) (Procedural aspect) (Azerbaijan) No violation of Article 2 – Right to life (Article 2 – Positive obligations) (Procedural aspect) (Hungary) Violation of Article 14+2 – Prohibition of discrimination (Article 14 – Discrimination) (Article 2 – Right to life;Positive obligations) (Azerbaijan);No violation of Article 38 – Examination of the case – {general} (Article 38 – Obligation to furnish all necessary facilities) (Azerbaijan) (Hungary)

Narayan and others v. Azerbaijan

17 January, 2024
54363/17 and two others Court (Fifth Section Committee) Judgment

Violation of article 2.

Ghazaryan and Bayramyan v. Azerbaijan

05 October, 2023
33050/18 Court (First Section Committee) Judgment

Preliminary objection dismissed (Art. 35) Admissibility criteria (Art. 35-3-a) Ratione personae Remainder inadmissible (Art. 35) Admissibility criteria;(Art. 35-3-a) Manifestly ill-founded;Violation of Article 5 – Right to liberty and security (Article 5-1 – Lawful arrest or detention);Violation of Article 5 – Right to liberty and security (Article 5-3 – Brought promptly before judge or other officer);No violation of Article 5 – Right to liberty and security (Article 5-4 – Review of lawfulness of detention);Violation of Article 3 – Prohibition of torture (Article 3 – Degrading treatment;Inhuman treatment) (Substantive aspect);No violation of Article 3 – Prohibition of torture (Article 3 – Degrading treatment;Inhuman treatment) (Substantive aspect);Non-pecuniary damage – award (Article 41 – Non-pecuniary damage;Overall assessment)

Badalyan v. Azerbaijan

10 August, 2021
51295/11 Court (Fifth Section) Judgment

Violation of Article 3 – Prohibition of torture (Article 3 – Degrading treatment). Violation of Article 5 – Right to liberty and security (Article 5-1 – Deprivation of liberty; Lawful arrest or detention).

Saribekyan and Balyan v. Azerbaijan

13 March, 2020
35746/11 Court (Fifth Section) Judgment

Khudunts v. Armenia

21 March, 2019
74628/16 Court (Third Section) Decision


Sargsyan v. Azerbaijan (just satisfaction)

12 December, 2017
40167/06 Court (Grand Chamber) Judgment

Pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage – award.

Perinchek v. Switzerland

15 October, 2015
27510/08 Court (Grand Chamber) Judgment

16 June, 2015
40167/06 Court (Grand Chamber) Judgment

Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property (Article 1 para. 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Peaceful enjoyment of possessions;Possessions);Violation of Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life (Article 8-1 – Respect for family life;Respect for home;Respect for private life);Violation of Article 13 – Right to an effective remedy (Article 13 – Effective remedy);Just satisfaction reserved (Article 41 – Just satisfaction).

Case of Delfi AS v. Estonia

16 June, 2015
64569/09 Court (Grand Chamber) Judgment

No violation of Article 10 – Freedom of expression (Article 10-1 – Freedom to impart information).

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