General Description

The Office of the Representative on International Legal Matters acts on behalf of Armenia in several interstate disputes being heard in various international courts, addressing different aspects of international law.

Since 2020, Armenia has initiated legal proceedings to resolve international legal disputes with other countries. Specifically, the Republic of Armenia has submitted four interstate complaints against Azerbaijan and one against Turkey to the European Court of Human Rights. These complaints pertain to human rights violations that occurred within the sovereign territory of Armenia during and after the Azerbaijani aggression in Nagorno-Karabakh between September and November 2020.

Armenia has also filed an interstate complaint against Azerbaijan at the International Court of Justice under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Azerbaijan has responded by filing reciprocal complaints in both of the aforementioned courts.

In addition to the disputes mentioned above, Azerbaijan has initiated two interstate arbitration processes based on the Energy Charter Treaty and the Convention on the Protection of European Wildlife and Natural Environment (Bern Convention). These processes are currently ongoing.

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