Bilateral consultations on the execution of the European Court’s judgments

From 26-28th of October 2015 the delegation of RA Ministry of Justice Department for Relations with the European Court of Human Rights paid a working visit to Strasbourg, France. The delegation met with Mrs. Corinne Amat, Head of Division, Department for the Execution of the European Court of Human Rights judgments, Ms Zoë Bryanston-Cross, Head of Section responsible for coordination of the execution of the judgments delivered in respect of Armenia and Mr. Vahe Demirchyan the lawyer at the same Section.

These are the second bilateral consultations held in 2015. During this meeting the basic principles of the European Court judgments execution process, practical and new methodological aspects of drafting action plans and reports, as well as the best practice regarding the execution have been discussed. The parties, more specifically, focused on the execution measures of the judgments delivered in respect of Armenia and issues regarding the potential closure of particular cases. Both the Armenian delegation and representatives of the Department for the Execution of the European Court of Human Rights judgments highlighted the importance of such meetings and consultation for strengthening and increasing the effectiveness of cooperation established and ameliorating the execution process.

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