Bilateral consultations on the process of execution

On 29 September 2015, a meeting was held at the General Prosecutor’s Office among Mr. Gevorg Kostanyan, RA Prosecutor General, the Representative of the RA Government before the European Court of Human Rights, Ms.Genevieve Mayer, Head of Department for Execution of the European Court of Human Rights Judgments, Mr. Fredrik Sundberg, Deputy Head of the same Department and Mr. Vahe Demirchyan, a lawyer at the Department. RA Prosecutor General and the Representative of the RA Government before the European Court of Human Rights Gevorg Kostanyan highlighted that bilateral consultations are periodically organised with the Administration of the Department during which different issues, such as the process of execution of judgments delivered in respect of Armenia, as well as possible closure of supervisory proceedings regarding judgments of particular cases, are being discussed. The Delegation of the European Court of Human Rights underlined that an active and effective cooperation has been developed between the Stuff of the RA Government Representative before the European Court of Human Rights and the Department for Execution of the European Court of Human Rights Judgments.

Mr. Emil Babayan, Deputy Prosecutor General and Mr. Arman Tatoyan, Deputy Representative of the RA Government before the European Court of Human Rights, Deputy Minister of Justice took part in the meeting likewise. The Parties discussed a wide range of issues relating to the process of the execution of judgments.

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