Brussels Declaration on Execution of Judgments Adopted

High-level conference titled “Implementation of the European Convention, our shared responsibility” took place on 26 to 27 March 2015 in Brussels as part of Belgian chairmanship of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers. CoE Secretary General, Chairmen of PACE and the European Court, CoE Commissioner for Human Rights, First Deputy Chairman of the European Commission participated in the event together with high-level delegations from 47 CoE Member States. Armenia was represented at the conference by Arman Tatoyan, Deputy Minister of Justice, Deputy Representative of the Government of the Republic of Armenia at the European Court, Karen Nazaryan, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Armen Papikyan, Armenia’s Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe.

The goal of the conference was to reinstate the commitment of the Member States in ensuring protection of rights safeguarded by the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as the independence of the European Court of the Human Rights and the high reputation thereof. The Armenian delegation reinstated in its speech the support of Armenia to the efforts of strengthening the Convention system. The activities implemented by Armenia to fulfil the conventional safeguards and execute the European Court judgments, as well as the recent outcomes were introduced.

At the closing of the conference Brussels Declaration was adopted. It is believed to give a new push to ongoing reforms since 2010 focusing on common commitment of States to implement the Convention and to execute the European Court judgments. The Declaration summarises the activities implemented since Brighton Conference and reinstates the common political commitment towards an effective Convention system. The Declaration also includes an Action Plan which provides guidelines on steps to be taken by the Member States of the Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights and CoE Committee of Ministers to realizing the goals embodied in the Declaration.

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