Deputy Government Representative before the ECtHR provided insights on the Chamber and Grand Chamber judgments in the case of Perinçek

On 15 October 2015 the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights delivered a judgment in the case of Perincek v. Switzerland. Armenia has intervened in the proceedings for only one purpose: the Chamber in its judgment casted doubt on the occurrence of 1915 Armenian Genocide.

Arman Tatoyan, Deputy Minister of Justice of Armenia, Deputy Government Representative before the European Court of Human Rights provided insights on Armenia’s intervention as a third party and the claims it has submitted, also on the Chamber and Grand Chamber judgments.

In contrary to the Chamber’s judgment, the Grand Chamber judgment did not question the fact of the Armenian Genocide. Moreover, the judgment has re-established the Armenians’ right to respect of and protection for their and their ancestors’ dignity.

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