International Court of Justice delivered its decision on Armenia’s Request

On 12 October 2022 the International Court of Justice delivered its decision on Armenia’s Request for the Modification of the Court’s 7 December 2021 Order indicating provisional measures in the case concerning the Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Armenia v. Azerbaijan).

In its 12 October 2022 Order, the Court reaffirmed that the “situation that existed when it issued its 7 December 2021 Order is ongoing,” and that ethnic Armenians detained by Azerbaijan remain at serious risk of irreparable prejudice. It accordingly confirmed that its 7 December 2021 Order obligates Azerbaijan to protect “any person who has been or may come to be detained during any hostilities that constitute a renewed flare-up of the 2020 Conflict.” As such, Azerbaijan is required to protect all Armenians captured during Azerbaijan’s September 2022 armed attack on sovereign Armenian territory, as well as in any related conflict moving forward.

Armenia calls on Azerbaijan to strictly abide by and effectively implement the Court’s Orders, including with respect to the 29 Armenians who remain missing as a result of Azerbaijan’s September 2022 attack. Armenia further notes that Azerbaijan will be held accountable for all atrocities committed against Armenian prisoners of war and other detainees, consistent with the two Orders of the Court.

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