Launch of a New Cooperation

On September 30 the official launching event of the Project on “Supporting the criminal justice reform and combating ill-treatment and impunity in Armenia” took place. The event was attended by Gevorg KOSTANYAN, the Republic of Armenia Government Agent before the European Court of Human Rights, the Prosecutor General, Arpine HOVHANNISYAN, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, Piotr ŚWITALSKI, the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia, Natalia VOUTOVA, the Head of Council of Europe Office in Yerevan. The aim of the project is to strengthen the protection of a human being from any form of violence.  The Prosecutor General has highlighted that the Republic of Armenia is one of those countries that has constitutional ban on torture (or any form of ill-treatment). Gevorg KOSTANYAN has mentioned: “The absolute ban on torture is also stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Code and many other legal acts. The recent amendments of the RA Criminal Code following to which the legal formulation of the corpus delicti of torture has been amended and brought in total compliance with the UN Convention against Torture, are of high importance within the framework of combating torture.” (Gevorg KOSTANYAN Speech in full.)

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