Launching of the Official Website of the Government Agent Office

On 30 September 2015, within the framework of the Council of Europe project, the official website of the Government Representation before the European Court of Human Rights was launched.

The website is created with an ultimate goal to make the execution of the European Court of Human Rights judgments more efficient, in line with the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers new principles adopted based on the Brussels Declaration.

The reason for adopting such new approaches is that the Council of Europe is facing the challenge of improving the efficiency of the activities of European Court of Human Rights.

The successful implementation of this fundamental issue depends on the implementation of a number of basic requirements. In particular, the targeted and institutional cooperation of the States’ representatives before the European Court of Human Rights with parliament, courts, other state authorities and civil society organisations in the scope of execution of Strasbourg Court judgments, is important.

In that regard, the Agent’s website is the first ever experience in the Council of Europe  system and will be one of the important tools making the international documents on human rights protection more accessible, and the mechanisms for legal protection provided by these documents – available to citizens. This will raise awareness and promote effective functioning of human rights protection mechanisms. This will increase the level of targeted and institutional cooperation with the execution of judgments.

During the event an awards ceremony took place. For contribution in strengthening the relations with the European Court of Human Rights and for faithful performance of duties, rewards were given by the order of Gevorg KOSTANYAN, Prosecutor General, Armenian Government Representative before the European Court of Human Rights.

Arman TATOYAN, Deputy Minister of Justice, Deputy Representative before the European Court of Human Rights was awarded with the Prosecutor General nominal watch.

Artyom SEDRYAKYAN, Head of Department for the Relations with the European Court of Human Rights, Anna SHANHAZARYAN, Head of Division for Execution of Judgments and Implementation of Convention Requirements and Shahane HAKOBYAN, Expert of the mentioned Division were awarded with medal “For Cooperation”.

Diana GHUKEYAN, Head of Division for Criminal and Administrative Cases, Anna GEVORGYAN, First Class Specialist at Division for Execution of Judgments and Implementation of Convention Requirements were awarded with souvenirs.

Sergey GHAZINYAN, Assistant to Deputy Minister of Justice and Anahit HARUTYUNYAN, Expert at the “Law Institute” State Non Commercial Organisation received  awards in acknowledgement of faithful performance of their duties.

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