On this matter, the professional education of the candidates of judges, prosecutors, investigators, as well as the trainings of acting judges, prosecutors and investigators has been reevaluated in Armenia.
The Justice Academy was founded in 2013, the main goals of which include shaping necessary skills for the above mentioned professionals, expanding their professional knowledge and working skills. For the purpose of effective implementation of the human rights protection mechanisms provided by the European Convention, special consideration is given to the training courses on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, and particularly, the Court’s rulings with regards to the Republic of Armenia. It is utterly significant for the effective execution of the Court’s judgments.
At the same time, professional training-courses and workshops on the implementation of human rights protection mechanisms provided by the European Convention are continuously organized in Armenia, which are aimed at training the representatives of the law enforcement authorities.
Within the frameworks of the implementation of the requirements provided by the reports of the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the UN Committee Against Torture in respect of Armenia special consideration is given to the education and targeted training of RA Police staff. With regards to the effective cooperation between the Representation of the Republic of Armenia before the European Court of Human Rights and the RA Police topics such as ”UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and Standards of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture” and ”Judgments in respect of Armenia rendered by the ECtHR in violation of Article 3 of the European Convention” are currently taught in the Police Academy. Additionally, within the framework of the training-course of ”Penitentiary Law of RA” the topic of ”Regulation of Correctional Institutions and Measures of its Implementation” is also taught. During the course the mechanisms of protection of separate category of persons’ rights during their short-term detention are also studied.
The role of Law Institute of Ministry of Justice of Armenia is also noteworthy in the process of the effective training of the professionals. Through the training programs the Institute provides courses not only on the developing case-law of the European Court, but the Court’s observations established in specific judgments against Armenia regarding the previous violations at the correctional institutions or during the execution of domestic judicial acts are also studied. This is essential for the effective execution of the judgments and for the prevention of future violations, especially considering the fact that the professionals of the Penitentiary Service and the Compulsory Enforcement Service of Judicial Acts are trained by the Law Institute.