Case of Gasparyan v. Armenia (No. 2)

16 June, 2009
22571/05 Court (Third Section) Judgment

Violation of Article 6 – Right to a fair trial Violation of Article 2 of Protocol No. 7 – Right of appeal in criminal matters

Application by Artashes Davtyan v. Armenia

26 May, 2009
29736/06 Court (Third Section) Decision

Partly inadmissible.

Application by Geraguyn Khorhurd Patgamavorakan Akumb v. Armenia

14 April, 2009
11721/04 Court (Third Section) Decision


Application by Borisenko and Yerevanyan Bazalt LTD v. Armenia

14 April, 2009
18297/08 Court (Third Section) Decision


Application by Hakobyan and Amirkhanyan v. Armenia

03 March, 2009
14156/07 Court (Third Section) Decision

Partly inadmissible.

Application by Grigoryan and others v. Armenia

03 March, 2009
40864/06 Court (Third Section) Decision

Partly inadmissible.

Case of Sapeyan v. Armenia

13 January, 2009
35738/03 Court (Third Section) Judgment

Preliminary objection dismissed (Article 35-1 – Six month period) Remainder inadmissible Violation of Article 11 – Freedom of assembly and association (Article 11-1 – Freedom of peaceful assembly);Non-pecuniary damage – award.

Case of Gasparyan v. Armenia (No. 1)

13 January, 2009
35944/03 Court (Third Section) Judgment

Violation of Article 11 – Freedom of assembly and association.

Case of Amiryan v. Armenia

13 January, 2009
31553/03 Court (Third Section) Judgment

Violation of Article 11 – Freedom of assembly and association

Case of Tadevosyan v. Armenia

02 December, 2008
41698/04 Court (Third Section) Judgment

Remainder inadmissible Violation of Art. 3 Violation of Art. 6-1 and 6-3-b;Violation of P7-2;Non-pecuniary damage – award.

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