Case of Ter-Sargsyan v. Armenia

27 October, 2016
27866/10 Court (First Section) Judgment

Violation of Article 6+6-3-d – Right to a fair trial (Article 6 – Criminal proceedings Article 6-1 – Fair hearing) (Article 6 – Right to a fair trial Article 6-3-d – Examination of witnesses;Obtain attendance of witnesses);Violation of Article 6 – Right to a fair trial (Article 6 – Criminal proceedings;Article 6-1 – Fair hearing)

Case of Vardanyan and Nanushyan v. Armenia

27 October, 2016
8001/07 Court (First Section) Judgment

Remainder inadmissible Violation of Article 6 – Right to a fair trial (Article 6 – Civil proceedings Article 6-1 – Access to court;Fair hearing;Equality of arms;Impartial tribunal);Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property (Article 1 para. 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Deprivation of property;Peaceful enjoyment of possessions);Pecuniary damage – reserved (Article 41 – Pecuniary damage;Just satisfaction);Non-pecuniary damage – reserved (Article 41 – Non-pecuniary damage;Just satisfaction)

Case of Ara Harutyunyan v. Armenia

20 October, 2016
629/11 Court (First Section) Judgment

Violation of Article 5 – Right to liberty and security (Article 5-3 – Reasonableness of pre-trial detention)

Case of Simonyan v. Armenia

07 April, 2016
18275/08 Court (First Section) Judgment

Violation of Article 6 – Right to a fair trial (Article 6 – Civil proceedings Article 6-1 – Fair hearing) Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property (Article 1 para. 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Peaceful enjoyment of possessions)

Case of Zalyan and Others v. Armenia

17 March, 2016
36894/04; 3521/07 Court (First Section) Judgment

Preliminary objections joined to merits and dismissed (Article 35-1 – Exhaustion of domestic remedies Article 35-3 – Ratione materiae) Remainder inadmissible;No violation of Article 3 – Prohibition of torture (Article 3 – Degrading treatment;Inhuman treatment) (Substantive aspect);Violation of Article 3 – Prohibition of torture (Article 3 – Effective investigation) (Procedural aspect);Violation of Article 5 – Right to liberty and security (Article 5-1 – Deprivation of liberty;Lawful arrest or detention);Violation of Article 5 – Right to liberty and security (Article 5-2 – Prompt information);Violation of Article 5 – Right to liberty and security (Article 5-3 – Brought promptly before judge or other officer);Non-pecuniary damage – award (Article 41 – Non-pecuniary damage;Just satisfaction).

Kirakosyan v. Armenia (No. 2)

08 February, 2016
24723/05 Court (First Section) Judgment

No violation of Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life (Article 8-1 – Respect for home)

Case of Safaryan v. Armenia

21 January, 2016
576/06 Court (First Section) Judgment

Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property (Article 1 para. 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Peaceful enjoyment of possessions)

Case of Tovmasyan v. Armenia

21 January, 2016
11578/08 Court (First Section) Judgment

Violation of Article 6 – Right to a fair trial (Article 6 – Civil proceedings Article 6-1 – Access to court)

Case of Ghuyumchyan v. Armenia

21 January, 2016
53862/07 Court (First Section) Judgment

Violation of Article 6 – Right to a fair trial (Article 6 – Civil proceedings Article 6-1 – Access to court)

Case of Amirkhanyan v. Armenia

04 December, 2015
22343/08 Court (First Section) Judgment

Violation of Article 6 – Right to a fair trial (Article 6 – Civil proceedings Article 6-1 – Fair hearing) Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property (Article 1 para. 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Peaceful enjoyment of possessions).

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